Traders: watchmakers or executioners of the economy?

Traders: watchmakers or executioners of the economy?

Tom Hassin

Économie, droit & management


117,2 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322082278

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 12.05.2023

Langue: anglais

5,49 €

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The popular image of the trader, and of the financier more broadly, is that of an egocentric individual who does not hesitate to put society at enormous economic risk for his own benefit: personal enrichment. Myth or reality, are these virtual spaces that are the financial markets the cause of political, social and economic unrest? To understand this image in society, our investigation into the heart of the financial markets will begin with the second Industrial Revolution, it will go through the first stock market crash, the Vienna Crash of 1873, and then will focus on what finance is today. At the dawn of a possible future financial and banking crisis, the economic tension is at its peak, the general public needs to know the risks that hang like swords of Damocles over its head.
Tom Hassin

Tom Hassin

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