The travels of a Usher

The travels of a Usher

Sandrine Dangleterre

Histoire & sciences sociales


238,7 KB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322196975

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 06.11.2020

Langue: anglais

9,99 €

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"Deep down I was glad I got to see what it was! It is important that a guide explains well by giving precise information or clues etc ...
for me to see, imagine or guess. "

I was born deaf with Type 1 Usher Syndrome, but I didn't know it. This is how I gradually discovered that I did not see like everyone else, but without knowing that my eyes had a problem. I have always liked to travel. This book is an account of my travels; I tell you all the little tips you need to use to cope with your disability, with the help of others as well.
But Usher's syndrome remains unrecognized ...
Sandrine Dangleterre

Sandrine Dangleterre

"Deep down I was glad I got to see what it was! It is important that a guide explains well by giving specific additional information or clues etc ... so that I see, imagine or guess like everyone else. I felt that an obstacle had been removed from me; I felt good and above all it made me thirsty to discover lots of things. "
to discover lots of things. "
I was born deaf with Type 1 Usher Syndrome, but I didn't know it. This is how I gradually discovered that I did not see like everyone else, but without knowing that my eyes had a problem. I have always liked to travel. This book is an account of my travels; I tell you all the little tips you need to use to cope with your disability, with the help of others as well.
But Usher's syndrome remains unrecognized ...

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