Master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children

Julia Noyel

Livres pratiques & développement personnel

Couverture dure

200 pages

ISBN: 9782322266173

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 18.03.2019

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: oui

39,99 €

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En savoir plus
Are you planning to have children or do you have children, you want your child to be happy, healthy & successful in life? You feel scared or overwhelmed? Having children is an amazing and beautiful enterprise! Have you thought about the long term effects of your parenting style? Do you know what it needs to build self-confidence and self-esteem, physical and mental health for your child, how to minimize the risk of psychological disorder, and to build long lasting relationships at work and in the private context?
When it comes to raising happy, healthy & successful children, following our intuition is not enough. In her book, Julia Noyel shares her success tool, the SUBSTANCE-Formula. Her premise is simple: If you want your children to be happy, healthy AND successful, you need a well-defined process and the right skills. In master the art of raising happy, healthy AND successful children, Julia shows you how the SUBSTANCE-Formula will help you in nine steps to reach your goals. You will get not only immediate results, such as more freedom, more energy, money and time available to spend with your children and on your own and to do what you love but also long term results.
Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel est la fondatrice de l'art d'une vie différente, heureuse, en bonne santé et remplie de succès et SUBSTANCEMIND®, la formule SUBSTANCE, inner SUBSTANCE coach (coach d'une SUBSTANCE intérieure forte) (focus mis sur l'estime de soi et un état d'esprit fort), très intuitive et experte en amour véritable et communication avec corps-âme-esprit. Elle a réalisé sa vie idéale et vit aujourd'hui une vie authentique. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années en Ressources Humaines, gestion du changement et du développement personnel. Aujourd'hui elle partage sa stratégie personnelle de succès dans ses programmes de coaching en ligne, livres, cartes de coaching et accessoires.

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