The beautiful foreigner

The beautiful foreigner

Max du Veuzit



492,3 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322126330

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 09.01.2019

Langue: anglais

3,49 €

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En savoir plus
Alain d'Arlevé, leaving for Sylvania, shaken by a revolution, wishes to review the settings of his childhood. There he met the heiress of the ruling family, Wanda de Zunski, his cousin, and took her back to France. Between an aunt who loves her little and Gisèle, a frivolous cousin who hates her, Wanda grows up while Alain travels the world with his violin.

He left her as a child, he found her as a young girl and she became his wife, to the great displeasure of Gisèle, in love with Alain. While Wanda was expecting their first child, Alain left with her for Sylvania where he was to give a series of recitals. How Gisèle manages to separate the couple, how Alain finds his wife completely amnesic three years later, this is the theme on which Max du Veuzit has built this fascinating novel where drama meets love.
Max du Veuzit

Max du Veuzit

Max du Veuzit est le nom de plume de Alphonsine Zéphirine Vavasseur, née au Petit-Quevilly le 29 octobre 1876 et morte à Bois-Colombes le 15 avril 1952. Elle est un écrivain de langue française, auteur de nombreux romans sentimentaux à grand succès.

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