I will build you a house

Mikael Reale

Tome 2/2 sur 3 de cette collection

Histoire & sciences sociales


194,3 KB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322245871

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 18.05.2020

Langue: anglais

3,99 €

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For some years now, the term Tabernacle of David has been embraced whole-heartedly by the world of evangelical Christians, and especially so in charismatic groups. We are seeing more and more churches who are discovering or rediscovering the importance of praise and worship in their meetings and who are now organising meetings entirely for the purpose of worship.
Mikael Reale

Mikael Reale

Mikael has always loved traveling for as long as he can remember. As a child, while other children wanted to be policemen or firemen, he longed to be a sailor on merchant ships! For several years, he traveled alone, hitch-hiking, flying or sailing his way around the world. In 1984 while traveling in New Zealand, he yielded to the Lord's grace and hand on his life. Following this life changing event, Mikael married Cathy in 1986 and they set off for the Caribbean in a newly purchased sailing ship. Mikael was very much a seafarer! His father is from Palma of Majorca, and his mother is from Malta. They resided on the coast of North Africa until moving to the French Riviera where Mikael was raised. Following the tremendous conversion to Christ, Mikael understood and accepted that God had a special destiny for him that included this seafaring lifestyle. With this calling and a willing heart Mikael is in the pursuit of full surrender to God's plan and his destiny.

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