My Abusive Boss - A Gay Romance

My Abusive Boss - A Gay Romance

Man & Man

Marcus Manson



1,2 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322440856

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 14.07.2022

Langue: anglais

3,99 €

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I don't think I'm anything special when you look at me. I'm really very shy and not the most masculine guy. And the fact that I'm gay doesn't help, especially in my work environment.

Mr. White, my boss, was a good-looking man in his forties. I've always been a little attracted to older men, and Mr. White was undeniably hot. He had hazel eyes, brown thinning hair, a goatee and a mustache. He was powerfully built and had a small belly.

Unfortunately, his personality was so repulsive that it ruined any attraction I might have felt for him. He was mean and homophobic, and he scared the hell out of me.
Marcus Manson

Marcus Manson

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