Diary of a Madman

Diary of a Madman

Nikolai Gogol

Romans & récits


295,4 KB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322238279

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 14.07.2020

Langue: anglais

3,49 €

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Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol's greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story shows the descent of the protagonist, Poprishchin, into insanity. Diary of a Madman, the only one of Gogol's works written in first person, follows diary-entry format.
Nikolai Gogol

Nikolai Gogol

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was a Russian-language writer of Ukrainian origin. Although his early works were heavily influenced by his Ukrainian heritage and upbringing, he wrote in Russian and his works belong to the tradition of Russian literature. The novel Dead Souls (1842), the play Revizor (1836, 1842), and the short story The Overcoat (1842) count among his masterpieces.

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