The Tartuffe

The Tartuffe


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128,9 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322481040

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 06.06.2023

Langue: anglais

5,49 €

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Molière's Tartuffe is a satire of life in which the beloved and the human race are faced with the cunning of an impostor, who is only after the good fortune and good providence of others. What is the right choice between charity and distrust? Like good old Orgon, should we rightly choose charity and mutual aid, even if it means being deceived by illusions? Or is Harpagon's habit of distrusting everything not understandable? What is certain is that, despite the passing decades, Molière's works are as contemporary as ever, making him the most famous playwright of all time!


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