The strange White Lady

The strange White Lady

appearances 2002-2016

Jp Bernadin

Romans & récits


2,5 MB

DRM : pas de protection

ISBN: 9782322157433

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 14.05.2017

Langue: anglais

0,49 €

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Just and after the death of my father, a very strange Damme, will begin to appear and come to see me.
At the beginning and in the sky, then after, right in front of me, this woman, I did not know her and I called her, the White Lady.
Little by little, she will begin to accompany me in my life and appear, especially in the difficult moments, without even knowing, who is this luminous woman of incomparable beauty but who is the White Lady?
( Translated from French by the author himalayen )
Jp Bernadin

Jp Bernadin

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