The Real-Object-Hypothesis of Language (The ROAL-Model)

The Real-Object-Hypothesis of Language (The ROAL-Model)

A Bio-mathematical Attempt on Language and consciousness

Noury Bakrim

Tome 3 sur 3 de cette collection

Parascolaire & langues

Couverture dure

66 pages

ISBN: 9782322376599

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 05.08.2021

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: oui

22,99 €

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En savoir plus
In addition of proposing a model of language based on a bio-mathematical reduction within a synthesis between deduction, induction it suggests a much more important role of learning symmetry (especially iconicity) parallel to Universal Grammar. Without any theoretical megalomania, the model you will be discovering, reading and hopefully discussing hypothesizes two propositional principles with an important role of thermodynamic information : the shift from the bio-semiotic to the semiotic order along with the neural/dynamic mapping is embedded in the shift from thermodynamic laws without proposition (methodologically defined by hypothetic-probabilistic states of the ''internal observer'', Boltzmann-Bernoulli proposals and quantization) to biological and cultural consciousness (selection, combination, self-reference and symmetry etc etc)
Noury Bakrim

Noury Bakrim

Noury Bakrim, PhD, 47, is a Moroccan-French researcher, a lecturer at the university of the People (USA-Pasadena) and Translator.
He lectured, taught and worked as a researcher at universities and institutes in Morocco, France, Holland and USA (online).
His current focus can be defined as the model of language based on a double propositional principle for language : biological and cultural.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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