The ghost wearing glasses

The ghost wearing glasses

+ Alphabet book :"Bullying in 22 words chosen and explained by children"

Sylvie Ptitsa, LL 2007

Livres & albums pour enfants

Couverture souple

84 pages

ISBN: 9782322269617

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 01.07.2021

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: oui

13,00 €

TVA incluse / Envoi en sus

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En savoir plus
"The ghost wearing glasses" (story in english)
+"Bullying in 22 words chosen and explained by children" (english-french alphabet book)
Sylvie Ptitsa

Sylvie Ptitsa

Sylvie Ptitsa is a french writer living in Luxemburg.

To know more about her life and her work : or

LL 2007

LL 2007

LL 2007 was 9 years old, when he illustrated the book with a drawing software on his own initiative.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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