The Dark World

The Dark World

Henry Kuttner

Science-fiction & fantasy


519,9 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322453825

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 10.11.2022

Langue: anglais

5,49 €

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World War II veteran Edward Bond's recuperation from a disastrous fighter plane crash takes a distinct turn for the weird when he encounters a giant wolf, a red witch, and the undeniable power of the need-fire, a portal to a world of magic and swordplay at once terribly new and hauntingly familiar. In the Dark World, Bond opposes the machinations of the dread lord Ganelon and his terrible retinue of werewolves, wizards, and witches, but all is not as it seems in this shadowy mirror of the real world, and Bond discovers that a part of him feels more at home here than he ever has on Earth.
Henry Kuttner

Henry Kuttner

Henry Kuttner was an American author of science fiction, fantasy and horror.

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