The Cobbler's Daughter

The Cobbler's Daughter

Colette Becuzzi

Livres & albums pour enfants


3,6 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322389360

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 24.11.2021

Langue: anglais

3,99 €

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After having played with a goblin instead of doing the chores ordered by her mother, Caroline gets lost in the forest. At the entrace of a cavern, she meets an owl. The owl asks her to find something specific. Her path is full of pitfalls and all along she has particular encounters. Despite the difficulties, will she be able to find her way back home?
Colette Becuzzi

Colette Becuzzi

Colette Becuzzi studied English literature. After having published stories for children she also illustrated, she decided to try the adventure novel. She is now trying her hand at the tale.

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