The birth diamond numerological chart - book and workbook

The birth diamond numerological chart - book and workbook

Eric Jackson Perrin

Bien-être, cuisine & santé

Couverture souple

212 pages

ISBN: 9791094871911

Éditeur : Eric Jackson Perrin

Date de parution : 12.09.2016

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

20,00 €

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En savoir plus
Who are you! Where do you come from? Why are you here? What is your life mission? Did you know that as all human beings created by "The Source of all Life", you are a Diamond that wants to shine? This can be done by being aware of all your facets and by expressing them in their best possible form so as to gradually become the best version of yourself.

The Birth Diamond is based on sacred karmic evolutionaly Hindu Numerology. It is an astronumerological chart based on your first name, your family name and your date of birth. It is a very relevent and effcient Self-knowledge tool for private people, therepists, numerologists, astrologers and human resource managers. It reveals your soul's structure and evolution plan thougth 24 "houses". It gives you "keys" and
describes your various facets, especially your unknown ones, like a GPS of your inner life. It can greatly help you to answer the above questions
and many more.

In this book + workbook, you can learn how to build and interpret the Birth Diamond. You can discover your strength, your wealth and your resources, your challenges and contradictions, what you need to adapt and find your place in society, what you inherited from your parents, your deep self and your creative power, your technical abilities and recuring difficulties, how you relate to others, your solutions to generate progress, your "life path", your genealogical keys, your motivation and how you can blosom. Then, using simple coaching exercices and visualization, you can all upon the
numbers and images used to represent them to help you reach your previously defined goals.
Eric Jackson Perrin

Eric Jackson Perrin

Eric Jackson PERRIN is a writter and life coach, astrologer, numerologist creator of the Birth Diamond, rune master and I Ching consultant and sound therapist. He lives and works near Lyon, in France. He gives individual sessions and teachings. He wrote many books dealing with various awareness tools and personal growth solutions.

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