texts 1992 2016

texts 1992 2016

Terence Den Hoed

Romans & récits


2,1 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322197323

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 23.11.2020

Langue: anglais

19,99 €

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The current edition is available in English and made up of all the texts previously published by the author between 1992 and 2016, along with some other original texts, some of which have been the subject of online prepublications, written in 2016 and 2017. This book is more than a twenty-five-year progress report in terms of writing, having gone hand in hand with, as a counterpoint, a wealth of experience in the world of work, like a celebration of life and unique paths in all their complexity. D. H. T. and Eric D. are Terence DEN HOED's pseudonyms.
Terence Den Hoed

Terence Den Hoed

Terence DEN HOED, alias D. H. T., alias Eric D., was born in Belgium in 1975 and has been living in Nice, French Riviera, since 1980. Sales representative since the early 1990s, professional property manager since the 2000s complementing his business activities, working in management and marketing since 2016. Has also studied literature among other things, and devoted a portion of his spare time to creative hobbies, especially writing, drawing and music.

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