Rose O'Paradise

Rose O'Paradise

Grace Miller White



656,0 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322463596

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 19.12.2022

Langue: anglais

5,99 €

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Thomas Singleton broke down when his wife died giving birth to their daughter. He eventually recovered, but his half-brother Morse kept him locked up at the asylum. After seventeen years, Singleton escapes and tracks down his daughter, Rose, who is due to inherit a fortune on her eighteenth birthday. Convinced that his half-brother will try to trick Rose out of her inheritance, Singleton sends her to live with his former gardener, where she meets wealthy Theodore King. Romance begins to blossom, until Morse tracks the couple down and hires a thug to kill King.
Grace Miller White

Grace Miller White

Grace Miller White was an American author. She began her writing career novelizing plays, before turning her hand to novels in 1909. Several of her books were adapted for the big screen, most notably Tess of the Storm Country, which was filmed on four occasions between 1914 and 1960. She adopted the name Grace around 1897, in memory of a younger sister who had died before reaching her first birthday.

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