My father, the Father Christmas !

My father, the Father Christmas !

Jean Pierre Bernadin

Science-fiction & fantasy


3,1 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322133000

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 30.12.2016

Langue: anglais

0,49 €

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At the time of the Renaissance, Miranda is a smart little Alsatian and full of ideas, and who lives in a tiny country village.
But the father of Miranda him, with really wacky ideas! Cars after dramas in the village, Nicolas is going to have the strange idea of distributing toys to children, in spite of the relentlessness of the village priest and who will do everything to defeat this strange idea, really very far - after him !
But despite the very grumpy Cure, Miranda's father will eventually become the most famous and famous man in the world, celebrated under the two different names of St. Nicholas and Santa Claus!

Warning :
The translation of the French has been made by the author himself and undoubtedly contains many defects, the author without excuse.
Jean Pierre Bernadin

Jean Pierre Bernadin

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