More Adult Sex Stories

More Adult Sex Stories

Sex is the most important thing in the world

Gloria Hole

Tome 1 sur 1 de cette collection



1,3 MB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322206100

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 26.02.2020

Langue: anglais

2,99 €

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If you want to know if a man is interested in sex and eroticism at all, you just have to stand naked in front of him and lean forward.

If he reacts reasonably normally, he will immediately start working on your buttocks. Men seem to have had this instinct for sex since time immemorial, perhaps from the time when they were still moving on four legs.

We women can be absolutely certain that a man will spontaneously feel like looking at a female butt with spread cheeks and will use this fact for us. It is exactly this erotic urge in my sex stories.

Please be careful: the consumption of erotic short stories can be arousing.

Content: Sex and erotic for adults, uncensored and vulgar, all in English.
Gloria Hole

Gloria Hole

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