Love and Freindship

Love and Freindship

Jane Austen



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DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322110940

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 13.04.2019

Langue: anglais

2,49 €

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Love and Freindship is a juvenile story by Jane Austen, dated 1790. From the age of eleven until she was eighteen, Jane Austen wrote her tales in three notebooks. The notebooks still exist - one in the Bodleian Library; the other two in the British Museum.

They include among others Love and Freindship, written when Jane was fourteen, and The History of England, when she was fifteen. Written in epistolary form, like her later unpublished novella, Lady Susan, Love and Freindship is thought to be one of the tales she wrote for the amusement of her family; it was dedicated to her cousin Eliza de Feuillide, "La Comtesse de Feuillide". The instalments, written as letters from the heroine Laura, to Marianne, the daughter of her friend Isabel, may have come about as nightly readings by the young Jane in the Austen home. Love and Freindship (the misspelling is one of many in the story) is clearly a parody of romantic novels Austen read as a child.

This is clear even from the subtitle, "Deceived in Freindship and Betrayed in Love", which completely undercuts the title. In form, it resembles a fairy tale as much as anything else, featuring wild coincidences and turns of fortune, but Austen is determined to lampoon the conventions of romantic stories, right down to the utter failure of romantic fainting spells, which always turn out badly for the female characters. In this story one can see the development of Austen's sharp wit and disdain for romantic sensibility, so characteristic of her later novels.x
Jane Austen

Jane Austen

Née à Steventon en 1775, Jane Austen est la benjamine d'une famille de huit enfants. Très tôt, suivant l'exemple familial, elle se met à écrire et s'oriente vers le récit sentimental. Dès 1795, elle commence Elinor et Marianne, première version de Raison et Sentiments. Puis, First Impressions, qui connaîtra le succès sous le titre d'Orgueil et préjugés. Après la mort de son père en 1805, elle quitte Bath pour s'installer dans le village de Chawton avec ses s¿urs. Elle meurt à 41 ans. Jane Austen laisse derrière elle des chefs-d'¿uvre, dont Mansfield Park, Emma ou Orgueil et préjugés, qui marquent profondément le monde littéraire et ne cessent d'inspirer écrivains et cinéastes d'aujourd'hui.

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