Rail in Africa, a vector of integration

Rail in Africa, a vector of integration

Development strategy by 2050

Durand Castro Ndjimou

Industrie & technique


14,1 MB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322087945

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 23.03.2018

Langue: anglais

36,99 €

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Acquiring second-hand systems, or , gratisly receiving an aircraft, a locomotive , a ship or any other system in diplomatic relations in not in itself a good deal, as long as the support system is not well dimmensioned .
Fron this point of view, it will be understood that the acquisition of almost obsolescent locomotives for the African railway after the independances, has been detrimental to the survival of these national companies already plagued by many difficulties.
To achieve this, it was necessary to undestand the genesis of the construction of these networks , from the colonial period to the independence. Then, by analysing the current functioning and the causes of decline, develop a strategy that can bring to this sector its letters of nobility.
Durand Castro Ndjimou

Durand Castro Ndjimou

Phd, In International Relations and Diplomacy CEDS-HEIP
Master's degree in Integrated Logistics Support - CentraleSupelec

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