YOU are the company!

YOU are the company!

How to find YOUR TRUE PURPOSE for working

Patrick Vergult

Économie, droit & management


360,9 KB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322088188

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 03.04.2018

Langue: anglais

13,99 €

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Go to work on Monday in a good mood and full of positive expectations, relax with colleagues, write success stories and feel that you help make the difference - this should be more than just a dream.

Patrick Vergult guides you through ten key questions on a voyage of discovery to your 'why'.Find out the true reason you work. Thanks to immediately applicable, practical tips, you can experience more work satisfaction starting from today.

Among other things you'll discover:
· What three fundamental values are important to your success.
· Which three secrets help you to reap lasting success.
· Which two skills will open all doors to you.
· How you can motivate yourself (and others).
· And much more!

Because ... YOU are the company!

Get your copy of YOU are the company now!
Patrick Vergult

Patrick Vergult

Patrick Vergult is fascinated by themes such as inner satisfaction and how people can use their skills and improve them, in the service of society. For example, based on his own experiences, both as an entrepreneur and employee, he has built up extensive knowledge and, in his own life, experienced what it means to take responsibility and be in charge of his life.

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