Life, Liberty, Luxury - and Love? Part V

Life, Liberty, Luxury - and Love? Part V

Part V

Olivier A. Guigues



652,1 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322262854

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 01.11.2018

Langue: anglais

12,99 €

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David Rockefeller asked for Jean. He handed over to him a MacBook Air, but not a conventional one. This model used ultra-sophisticated recognition technology with triple fingerprints and the iris of both eyes.
- Jean, this laptop contains the history of our group. Most of the information is ultra-confidential and not to be disclosed to anyone outside of the First Circle.
- Great. Thank you, David. I fully understand the requirements to keep this stuff secret. You can count on me.
Olivier A. Guigues

Olivier A. Guigues

Olivier A. Guigues. Born in Geneva, 1966.
Raised in Switzerland and the USA.
Graduated Machine Design Engineer and
Westlawn graduate in Yacht Design.
Long career as airline and general aviation pilot.
Very interested in the world of Esoterism.

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