How to know yourself better in 10 steps

How to know yourself better in 10 steps

Laurence Smits

Bien-être, cuisine & santé

Couverture souple

52 pages

ISBN: 9782322397693

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 16.10.2021

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

12,90 €

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En savoir plus
Passionate about writing, the well-being of each one, strong of her practice of yoga and meditation for 25 years, Laurence Smits offers you 10 accessible steps in this guide to help you to know yourself better to understand yourself better.
To evolve or change in your life, you need to understand yourself. It is a big challenge to take on, but worth experiencing.
Laurence Smits

Laurence Smits

French teacher of English for over 35 years, she has created a blog on writing (in French) called "La Plume de Laurence" to share her apssion of writing. She also animates a writing workshop online on a free basis to liberate everybody's creativity.
Her experience of teaching , of yoga and her different trainings on psychology and leadership allows her to give her tips to help others.

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