From Homo Sapiens to Homo Deus

From Homo Sapiens to Homo Deus

How to complete Man's evolution?

Pascalune HD


Couverture souple

186 pages

ISBN: 9782322222520

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 09.06.2020

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

8,88 €

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En savoir plus
Duality begins with "I". I am not this incarnated person. I am Conscience. I am ALL.
There isn't on the one hand the Creator and on the other me, his creature. No, I am the Creator AND the creature. Separation is an illusion brought on by this apparently dual world.
Untity is the only reality. I create my own experiences on this planet.

When we know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we are the great Consciousness in the process of experimenting itself, Homo Deus may be incarnated in matter because we behave each day in the light of this unshakeable knowledge. This is reflected in our thoughts, in our words and actions.
Thus, the elements that are needed to complete our evolution are anchored in our present moment and the metamorphosis may take place!

You may have thought that the evolution of Homo Sapiens had reached it's term?
Not so. Our evolution is still in progress...

Soon, human beings shall enter an infinitely more majestic phase having as sole guide, Love, with the daily understanding and living out of our true nature.
The result is guaranteed if you fully and totally integrate each of the forty steps. Goal attained in forty steps.
Pascalune HD

Pascalune HD

Pascalune HD is the pseudonym of the author who is on the path to Homo Deus.
Non-identification to ego and to its incarnated character is one of the paths leading to personal sovereignty and to a total freedom in all areas.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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