Erotic Submission and Humiliation

Erotic Submission and Humiliation

Hard Sex Stories

Elizabeth Grey

Tome 2 sur 2 de cette collection



1,3 MB

DRM : stricts

ISBN: 9782322183524

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 19.09.2019

Langue: anglais

3,99 €

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Humiliation is the abasement of pride, which creates mortification or leads to a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission. It is an emotion felt by a submission woman or man whose social status willingly, has just decreased.

Erotic humiliation is consensual psychological humiliation performed in order to produce erotic excitement or sexual arousal. This can be for either the person being humiliated and demeaned or the person humiliating, or both. It is sometimes performed before spectators. It may be part of BDSM and other sexual roleplay, or accompanied by the sexual stimulation of the genitals (or other erotic region) of one or both parties in the activity.

Usually there is a feeling of submission for a woman or a man being humiliated and dominance for the person implementing the humiliation.

While fantasy and fascination with erotic humiliation is a prevalent part of BDSM and other sexual roleplay, relatively little has been written on it. Till now. Enjoy the Sex Stories.
Elizabeth Grey

Elizabeth Grey

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