Eastern Man, Western Man (Essay on the modelling of thought and action)

Eastern Man, Western Man (Essay on the modelling of thought and action)

Book 1 - The Diamond of Knowledge

Bijan Ghalamkaripour

Histoire & sciences sociales

Couverture souple

84 pages

ISBN: 9782322036363

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 13.08.2014

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

10,00 €

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En savoir plus
There are a number of interpretations of reality comparable to that of the population on Earth, for which, anyone can put his life or that of others in danger. But, one must keep in mind that the source of these interpretations is very limited. Such as international music which is composed of seven main notes or that all living beings live based on the four nucleotides forming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), all human thought is equally based on only eight zones that inevitably guide our behaviour.
Bijan Ghalamkaripour

Bijan Ghalamkaripour

Bijan Ghalamkaripour graduated in Sociology from the University of Tehran and holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the Free University of Brussels. He worked for years as a researcher in various research centres in Iran and Belgium. He is also the author of \"The mental universe of Iranians\", published in 2012 in french and \"Thematic Collection of Persian Proverbes and Maxims\", published in 2014 in persian language.

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