American Odyssey

American Odyssey

Spencer Hawkridge

Romans & récits


1,2 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322103539

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 07.02.2018

Langue: anglais

2,99 €

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'American Odyssey is essentially a road trip story about two friends who work and travel their way around the United States and discover much about the landscape and the culture of America as well as things about themselves. It's a story of friendship and it's also a story of the seductive power of America and a belief that two young Brits had that America was still a land of opportunity if you were prepared to get out there and work hard. They both returned to the United States after their experiences that summer, but only one of them remained...'
Spencer Hawkridge

Spencer Hawkridge

My name is Spencer Hawkridge and I like eating, especially in restaurants, especially when work pays. During the day, I am a teacher of English at an Engineering School in France and I write prose and poetry without knowing I am doing it, which is a good thing because it certainly precludes any possibility that any of my poems will ever rhyme. I write prose and fiction, which is largely based on my own scattered and varied and wandering life experience and it all tends to lead back to me. There is much more I could say about myself and which I am sure you would like to know, but not now. You will just have to read my stories and poems.

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