My Idol

My Idol

Sarah James


Couverture souple

148 pages

ISBN: 9782322256990

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 06.11.2020

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

12,99 €

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En savoir plus
Lisa is very fulfilled in her professional career. Journalist for a great New York people magazine, she swears by her work and leaves no room for romantic relationships.
Matthew began his singing career as a teenager. Very quickly propelled to the rank of sex symbol, the media pressure and the hysteria of the fans stopped the dreams of Matthew in full glory.

But today, years later, Matthew feels stronger, ready to return to the front of the stage.

When Lisa hears the news, it's a shock. Seeing Matthew again after all these years reminds her of her many nights imagining their two bodies entwined.

She would do everything to meet the object of her fantasies: her idol ...
Sarah James

Sarah James

Mother of two children, Sarah lives in the south of France with her husband. Writing, this passion of adolescence, that she thought buried, resurfaces a few years ago. For this time, it is sure, never to leave it again...

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