Towards single

Towards single

Max du Veuzit



383,7 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322127320

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 17.01.2019

Langue: anglais

2,99 €

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Unable to bear the yoke that an authoritarian aunt puts on her for any longer, Isabelle revolts and flees to Paris.

What can a 20-year-old orphan girl do without relationships, almost without resources, in this big city unknown to her? Isabelle studied singing. She managed to get involved in the troupe of a lyrical theatre.

Very quickly, we court her. A regular behind the scenes, the rich and cynical Henri Talaine, is trying to seduce her. He can't do it, but Isabelle is troubled...

One evening, luck came along: a singer fell ill, Isabelle replaced her as Lucie de Lammermoor. It's triumph, glory, a contract for America!

Deeply in love now, Henri suffers. "Swear to me that I will find you free in a year, when you return," he asks. Moved by her upset face, Isabelle replies: "I swear to you.

But, one year later....
Max du Veuzit

Max du Veuzit

Max du Veuzit est le nom de plume de Alphonsine Zéphirine Vavasseur, née au Petit-Quevilly le 29 octobre 1876 et morte à Bois-Colombes le 15 avril 1952. Elle est un écrivain de langue française, auteur de nombreux romans sentimentaux à grand succès.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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