

Marcel Allain

Romans & récits


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ISBN: 9782322179817

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 14.01.2021

Langue: anglais

3,99 €

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Initially appearing in a series of French crime fiction, Fantômas is an evil genius who gives no mercy, feels no loyalty, and displays utter ruthlessness. A sadistic sociopath who does not care who he murders, Fantômas is a master of disguise and an ingenious criminal. Created in 1911 by Allain and his collaborator Pierre Souvestre, "Fantômas" is the first volume of a popular series of novels. The only counter to this villain is Inspector Juve, a zealous detective bent on capturing this vaguely understood but clearly terrifying murderer. Representing not only a transition from Gothic villains to more modern serial killers in the history of crime fiction, "Fantômas" was translated into silent films in some of the earliest movies ever made, anticipating Hollywood's thirst for diabolical criminals. Though haunting in his capacity for evil, the creativity of his murders and the struggle of Inspector Juve to catch him provide a compelling and page-turning story for those who brave "Fantômas."
Marcel Allain

Marcel Allain

Marcel Allain was a French writer mostly remembered today for his co-creation with Pierre Souvestre of the fictional arch-villain and master criminal Fantômas.

The son of a Parisian bourgeois family, Allain studied law before becoming a journalist. He then became the assistant of Souvestre, who was already a well-known figure in literary circles. In 1909, the two men published their first novel, Le Rour. Investigating Magistrate Germain Fuselier, later to become a recurring character in the Fantômas series, appears in the novels.

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