The Wild'n' Wicked Wizardess of Ooze

The Wild'n' Wicked Wizardess of Ooze

Jane Bland , Myosotis books (Ed.)


Couverture souple

76 pages

ISBN: 9782902296149

Éditeur : Myosotis Books

Date de parution : 12.07.2021

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

8,80 €

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En savoir plus
The book is a mighty naughty one but Jane takes us by the hand to share her wanderings and wonderings . Her story is spiced up with humor and many women will regard it as a welcome disclosure about a "dirty" subject. Mrs Bland is a wizardess for sure although the consequences aren't always easy to cope with, she warns.
Fountain-woman did you say? Ride the tide, then!
Jane Bland

Jane Bland

Jane Bland is no professional writer. She works as a technician in the steel industry, which is rather rigorous, yet here she chooses to tell all about her... "personal features". Quite a feat indeed for they are much more intimate than just personal.

Myosotis books

Myosotis books (Ed.)

Myosotis-books publishes:
- History books and Essays
- Personal experience souvenirs (wartime, adventures, travels...)
- Naughty novels
- Books in English
- Pedagogical documents for students in English who wish to make progress
All books are available in paper form as well as in eBook format (downloadable from our website)

Myosotis-books publie:
- des livres d'histoire et essais
- des livres de souvenirs personnels (guerre, aventures, voyages...)
- des romans coquins
- des livres en anglais
- des documents pédagogiques pour apprendre et se perfectionner en anglais
Tous les livres sont disponibles en versions papier et eBook (téléchargeable sur notre site internet)

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