The Christmas Stradivarius

The Christmas Stradivarius





17,2 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322184866

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 06.10.2019

Langue: anglais

0,99 €

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In New York, the elections are approaching, but the Mayor of the city has a formidable opponent, Keissel.
Keissel ? He is a ruthless and dangerous man, a maniac of firearms, with retrograde ideas and obliges, by his intolerant ideas, the Mayor of New York to do the same.
But bad luck for Keissel ! A young and little teenage girl named Rose, who lives on the street, will shake up these demonic and pernicious ideas; and, in spite of herself, upset the entire destiny of the United States.
(The author is French and does not speak English, but do not go out of his way to translate his book, he knows how to manage as best he could; that is why, translation errors are found in the book and the author without excuse in advance, but he wanted to share with our English friends, the incredible story of the stradivarius Christmas, and which, he tells him- same and in the book, how things happened and we were written.)


The author is French and does not speak English, but do not go out of his way to translate his book, he knows how to manage as best he could; that is why, translation errors are found in the book and the author without excuse in advance, but he wanted to share with our English friends, the incredible story of the stradivarius Christmas, and which, he tells him- same and in the book, how things happened and we were written.

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