Bodmin moor the forbidden grimoire of the moors of Cornwall

Bodmin moor the forbidden grimoire of the moors of Cornwall

Erwann Clairvoyant

Bien-être, cuisine & santé


15,9 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322481880

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 08.06.2023

Langue: anglais

9,99 €

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En savoir plus
The moors of Bodmin Moor are a land of legends, Merlin, Arthur and Morgane were the protagonists.
Giants, goblins and fairies are other witnesses of this magical land.
You will not see them but you will feel their presence unless it is the beast of the moors that is spying on you.
Erwann Clairvoyant

Erwann Clairvoyant

Erwann Clairvoyant is the author of "Bodmin moor the forbidden grimoire of the moors of Cornwall"

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