Blues Troubadour, a journey in writing light

Blues Troubadour, a journey in writing light

With Pascal Montagne photos. Collector's edition.

Christina Goh

Romans & récits


2,3 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322166930

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 20.07.2017

Langue: anglais

9,99 €

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En savoir plus
An innovative literature at the crossroads of fiction, poetic collection and illustrated writing.
A story which transports us, illustrated by the images of the press photographer and the author of exhibition Pascal Montagne.
A surprising artistic exploration which can not be explained...
A not-to-be-missed work... To be unfolded as soon as possible!
Hardcover collector's edition.
Christina Goh

Christina Goh

Christina Goh is a French vocalist, of Ivorian and Caribbean descent.
Songwriter, member of the jury of the 15th Independent Music Awards in the United States, the artist has developed her poetic and musical concept for more than a decade.
\"Blues Troubadour, a journey in writing light\" is her eighth publication.


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