Behind the freedom

Behind the freedom

Philippe Quest

Histoire & sciences sociales


631,7 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322469772

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 31.12.2022

Langue: anglais

3,99 €

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Freedom is an ugly lie! It does not exist, and it does not exist because in spite of what some people try to make us think we are not equal - biologically, socially, culturally, economically - ! Nevertheless, let's start from this observation, total freedom is only illusory, two ways are offered to us: to undergo or to act! You have chosen to act? Perfect! Discover then in this short speech the proof that the most total emancipation is impossible, but that, in spite of everything, we can get as close as possible to OUR absolute freedom, and even exceed it.
Philippe Quest

Philippe Quest

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