An Interplanetary Dream

An Interplanetary Dream

Colette Becuzzi

Livres & albums pour enfants


3,6 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322246854

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 01.10.2020

Langue: anglais

5,49 €

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When taking her dog Balthazar for a walk, Noemie meets a strange old man. The freaky behaviour of her dog and of the old man quite puzzles her. This is when she is caught up in a vessel with two characters she does not seem to know. Then, they get to a weird place where she meets other characters and lives surreal adventures. Will she ever get back home?
Colette Becuzzi

Colette Becuzzi

Poet in her youth, Colette Becuzzi took back writing after a late resumption of literary studies. Art being her field of interest, she also devoted herself to painting. Among others, she has published novels, children stories and tales which she herself illustrated. An Interplanetary Dream takes the reader into unexpected spheres, to say the least.

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